OOCList : OOCCollection

Sorted mutable collection

- (id) objectAtIndex:(NSInteger)index

Returns the model in position index.

- (OOCModel*) first

Returns the first model in the list.

- (OOCModel*) last

Returns the last model in the list.

- (OOCCollection*) collectionWithRange:(NSRange)range

Returns a new collection with the objects within range. The new collection keeps the order, and is immutable.

- (void) replace:(id)models

Removes all objects from the list and adds in the same order all the models.

- (void) push:(OOCModel*)model

Adds a model at the end of the list.

- (void) unshift:(OOCModel*)model

Adds a model at the beginning of the list.

- (void) remove:(OOCModel*)model

Removes all occurrences of model in the list.

- (NSArray*) ids

Returns an array with the id of the objects in the list.