Ohmoc is a library that allows you to persist and query objects. It uses rlite, a persistence layer with a Redis-compatible API. It is inspired in Ohm.


#import "Event.h"
#import "Person.h"

- (void) myCode {
  // initialize the database
  [Ohmoc createWithDocumentFilename:@"data.rld"];

  // Create some persons
  Person* mariano = [Person create:@{@"name": @"Mariano"}]
  Person* julio = [Person create:@{@"name": @"Julio"}]
  Person* michel = [Person create:@{@"name": @"Michel"}]
  // Create some events
  Event* nscoderba = [Event create:@{@"name": @"NSCoderBA", @"location": @"Buenos Aires"}];
  Event* rubymeetup = [Event create:@{@"name": @"Ruby Meetup", @"location": @"Paris"}];

  // Some people want go to some events
  [nscoderba.attendees add:mariano];
  [nscoderba.attendees add:julio];
  [rubymeetup.attendees add:michel];

  // ...

  // Let's run some queries to fetch these values  
  [[Event all] arrayValue]; // @[nscoderba, rubymeetup]

  for (Event* ev in [Event find:@{@"location": @"Buenos Aires"}]) {
    NSLog(@"%@", ev.name); // NSCoderBA

  Event* nsCoderBa = [Event with:@"name" is:@"NSCoderBA"];
  NSLog(@"%@", nsCoderBa.location); // Buenos Aires
#include <Ohmoc.h>

@interface Event : OOCModel

@property NSString* name;
@property id<OOCUnique> nameMeta;
@property NSString* location;
@property id<OOCIndex> locationMeta;
@property OOCMutableSet<Person>* attendees;

#include <Ohmoc.h>

@protocol Person <NSObject>

@interface Person : OOCModel

@property NSString* name;



Ohmoc is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "ohmoc"