OOCCollection <NSFastEnumeration>

A Collection represents an unsorted set or sorted list of models of the same type.

- (BOOL) isEmpty

Whether the collection has any object in it or not.

- (NSArray*)arrayValue

An array with all the models in the collection.

- (NSUInteger) size

Number of models in the collection.

- (BOOL) contains:(OOCModel*)model

Whether the collection contains a specific object or not.

- (OOCList) sortBy:(NSString)by limit:(NSUInteger)limit offset:(NSUInteger)offset order:(NSString*)order

A list (sorted collection) sorted by by, with up to limit elements starting in offset.

order allows to specify how to compare the properties. By default a numeric comparison is made. Its format is [ALPHA] [ASC|DESC].

- (OOCList) sortBy:(NSString)by order:(NSString*)order

Calls -sortBy:limit:offset:order: using by and order, without a limit.

- (OOCList) sortBy:(NSString)by

Calls -sortBy:limit:offset:order: using by and order, without a limit, and using a numeric sort.

- (void)each:(void(^)(id obj, NSUInteger pos, NSUInteger size))block

Asynchronously calls block on the main thread with each element in the collection.

The block receives the model obj, the iteration position pos and the total number of elements size in the collection. If the collection is empty, block will be called with no obj, and a 0 pos and size.

Requires the collection to have be fetched using an OhmocAsync : Ohmoc instance.

- (void)arrayValueCallback:(void(^)(NSArray* arr))block

Asynchronously creates an array with all the models in the collection and calls block on the main thread.

Requires the collection to have be fetched using an OhmocAsync : Ohmoc instance.