OhmocAsync : Ohmoc

OhmocAsync provides a convenience wrapper around Ohmoc to perform the potentially slow operations in a separate thread and then perform a callback into the main thread.

Internally it uses an NSOperationQueue with maxConcurrentOperationCount of 1. Any synchronously use of OhmocAsync will throw an exception.

Notice that all the search operations are not available in this class since those are lazy operations, and thus not performed until needed. See OOCCollection.-each:.

- (void) with:(NSString*)property is:(id)value model:(Class)modelClass callback:(void(^)(id))callback

Async version of with:is:model:. The model is provided as an argument to the callback.

- (void) get:(NSString*)id model:(Class)modelClass callback:(void(^)(id))callback

Async version of get:model:. The model is provided as an argument to the callback.

- (void) createModel:(Class)modelClass callback:(void(^)(id))callback

Async version of createModel:. The model is provided as an argument to the callback.

- (void) create:(NSDictionary*)properties model:(Class)modelClass callback:(void(^)(id))callback

Async version of create:model:. The model is provided as an argument to the callback.